“There are three kinds of companies: those that make things
happen, those that watch things happen, and the rest who wonder what happened.”
- Anonymous Now it is obvious which
kind the Walt Disney Company is, this is due to their market segmentation.
Market segmentation helps marketers define customer needs and wants more
precisely. Disney uses geographic, demographic, and psychographic segmentation
to locate their target market. Geographic segmentation refers to a region of a
country or the world, market size, market density, or climate; this is used for
the location of Disney's theme parks such as Disneyland and Disney World which
are strategically located in the world's most visited places: Europe, Japan,
India, and of course the United States. Demographic segmentation refers to age,
gender, income, ethnic background, and family life cycle; this is used to help
determine where to place their chain stores called the Disney Store, where to
distribute their movies, and even determines what kind of movie they should
create next. Psychographic segmentation is based on personality, motives,
lifestyles and geodemographics; this is also used to help Disney determine who
is going to buy more of their products.
Disney mainly targets children and their families, it uses the
multisegment targeting strategy which is when a firm chooses to serve two or
more well-defined market segments. Disney intrigues people of all ages; whether
it is a child, teen, or parent. For small children, it has its animation films,
toys and other goods from their consumer products division, a segment on their
channel called "Playhouse Disney," and many more. For older kids such
as tweens and teens, it has the Disney Channel, Radio Disney, their live-action
films, and much more. Disney's live-action films such as Pirates of the
Caribbean attracts adults as well, in order to target adults Disney uses a
"family approach." Disney theme parks were built for the whole family
to enjoy and they do a fine job stressing that. If you pay close attention to
their advertisements you will see that they are not always aimed for children,
in fact they are aimed at the parents most of the time with little phrases such
as "Let the Memories Begin" and "This is Where the Magic
Happens." Even the animation films are made to please the parents, with
their good morals and some jokes that are meant for the child not to
understand. In addition, the Disney Store has its own Home Decor department
which is intended to satisfy the parents' wants as well as their children's,
while the child is browsing through the toys, the parent is browsing through
the Home Decor section. As you can
see Disney does not have one specific target market, it focuses on each member
of the family. It mainly targets average income families, who live in urban
areas. Almost all of the Disney Stores are located in large super-centers and
malls; their theme park in the United States is located in Orlando, Florida;
and their films as well as consumer products are conveniently priced for the
average person. Walt Disney himself said it all when he stated:
"Your dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only
kids grown up, anyway." - Walt Disney