Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 16: Integrated Marketing Communications

     Every single corporation must promote their product or service efficiently in order to capitalize themselves. In order to do so, the company must use the "promotional mix" which is a combination of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling. After all of that promotion, the company's foremost and primary goal is to have as many consumers possible. What helps reach this goal is the AIDA concept, which stands for the stages of consumer involvement with a promotional message. These stages being: attention, interest, desire, and actions.     Now, the Walt Disney Company has no trouble grabbing the consumers attention due to their vigorous brand name, and excessive advertising through traditional media such as television; radio; newspapers; magazines; billboards; transit cards; and of course we couldn't forget - the internet.   Although Disney attracts plenty of consumers, this simple awareness isn't enough to make a sale, they must create an interest in the product. Through various public relations, Disney captures many of its consumers interests. These relations range from environmental issues, to public health and safety issues, to even educational issues. They are currently running two educational campaigns called the "Disney's Leadership Experience: The Inside Track" and "Disney Dreamers and Doers Program."     Now that company has captured the consumer's attention and interest, Disney must entice a desire for the product. For Disney's animation films, desire is mostly brought upon by the emotion the movie trailer gives off. This "emotion" depends on what genre the movie is, and makes the consumer feel as if they "have" to watch the film. For instance, Disney's live-action films give off an exciting, want-to-know-what-happens-next kind of feeling. Animation films on the other hand, give off a heart-warming, family enriched sort of feeling. These feelings encourage the consumer's desire to purchase tickets for the film.   In regards to action, the Walt Disney Company uses "mass communication" which involves communicating a concept or message to large audiences. Studies have shown that consumers usually buy products if they hear or read positive reviews on the product by other consumers as opposed to the actual company. Disney has taken note of this and on it's website it has a section specifically designed for new movie releases, and feedback on these new releases - this section is called Movies | New & Classic Disney Films. Not only does Disney incorporate personal feedback through it's website, but it also has a Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter page. Indeed, the Walt Disney Company has completely convinced many consumers to take action. According to the Letter to Shareholders in The Walt Disney Company's Annual Report 2010, the "Net income attributable to Disney for the year increased 20 percent to $3.96 billion on a 5 percent rise in revenue to $38 billion. Diluted earnings per share for the year increased 15 percent to $2.03 from $1.76." The company has definitely used the AIDA concept wisely in 2010.

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